
a likeness

A while back, I found this pin and I knew... I just knew I had to do it. If you click on the link of the pin you can find the tutorial. It's pretty simple and easy to figure out. She drew a grid over the picture and drew the photo using a larger scale grid on the wood. I numbered each box so that it was easier for me to see the lines in as I drew in each box. I did the whole thing with ONE sharpie! I must say, I really love it!


  1. I saw this on pinterest too... I just bought a canvas with the hopes of replicating it. Yours turned out fantastic!! Did you use a grey sharpie? Found you at Tip Junkie... now following you. :)

    kathryn @ www.uglyducklingtransformations.wordpress.com

  2. Mere, I was thinking I would do this with a gold sharpie! I might need some help though! I can't wait to see all of your decorations this weekend!
